Saturday 26 February 2011

Weekly SNG Tip: Staying Sharp

Due to work and other different obligations, I don?t get to play nearly as much live poker as I would prefer to. As a result, you can normally find me in at the SNG tables almost seven days a week, typically very late at night. I have a theory that poker players that play both live and online poker are able to maintain their focus better than those that just play online, as live poker forces a player to stay sharp and more alert, while online poker can be played in a very casual manner. One thing I noticed when I stopped playing a lot of live poker was that my attention a the digital tables began to falter a little, which is why I had to make an effort to try and maintain my focus.

It?s very easy to get distracted while playing online poker. You can watch TV, browse the Internet and do any number of things that take your attention off the game until the little notification sound alerts you to get back to the action. I started falling victim to these distractions more and more off since I was so comfortable with my SNG strategy that I felt that I could play robotically and still do well enough to remain profitable. That was actually the case for awhile, as I could just rely on making smart SNG decisions every time the action came around to me. However, what I started to notice during my sessions is that I could not remember how any of my opponents were playing, which effectively limited the number of options available to me when deciding how to play against them.

Does that situation sound familiar? If it does, the good news is that there is a simple solution. If you play online poker to make money then you need to treat it like any other job you have. Business people that work at home are able to deny themselves the pleasures they have readily available at home such as TV and are able to focus on completing their work tasks because they know that will lead to money. Think of online poker the same way. When you?re playing online SNGs, you can?t afford to take your eyes off the game for too long, as single-table tournaments.

Turn off the television, keep your Internet browser closed, and use music to drown out any other audio distractions. Give yourself goals to accomplish while playing, such as writing down two to three notes on at least three different players at the game. These are simple tasks but will require you to pay close attention to the action, and having a mental goal can make the time playing long hours of online poker seem less tedious. Just remember that playing poker for money is just like a job, so treat it like one and give it your full attention every time.


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