Hace tan solo seis meses que se jug� el primer torneo Women�s Sunday, el torneo exclusivo para mujeres de los domingos. En este tiempo hemos visto a varias jugadoras espa�olas ganarlo: lulilla, teresita82 teresita82 y la �nica jugadora que ha conseguido dos victorias del torneo: e.v.a.81985. Tambi�n hemos visto muchas espa�olas m�s que se han vuelto habituales por las mesas, llegando en varias ocasiones a entrar en premios o en mesa final.
Por otra parte, PokerStars anunci� unos d�as atr�s el calendario del PCA 2012, el cual incluye el evento femenino No Limit Hold�en de 1000 $ + 100 $ de buy-in. Adem�s, hemos conocido a la jugadora mejor posicionada en el ranking WCOOP y por lo tanto acreedora del t�tulo de la Mejor Jugadora de la Serie PokerStars WCOOP, quien adem�s de ganar 90K en las mesas, se ha llevado un paquete valorado en 3500 $ para jugar el torneo de mujeres en el Atlantis Resort en Paradise Island.
PokerStars ha decidido seguir premiando a la jugadoras habituales de su torneo de los domingos, por ello, ha decido hacer una edici�n especial el pr�ximo domingo 16 de octubre, en el que se elevar� el premio garantizado de 7.000 $ a 15.000 $ d�lares. Junto con ello, PokerStars quiere animar a sus jugadoras a participar en el pr�ximo evento femenino en PCA en Bahamas, por lo que, todas las jugadoras participantes en este torneo especial, recibir�n un ticket de 11 $ para el clasificatorio exclusivo para mujeres el d�a 22 de octubre para PCA.
El Women�s Sunday adem�s de tener los 15.000 $ garantizados, duplicar� el importe del bounty de 50 $ a 100 $ d�lares, por lo tanto, puedes ganar el doble de dinero si eliminas a una de las jugadoras del equipo PokerStars.
Ana M�rquez
En anteriores ocasiones han jugado el Women�s Sunday Liv Boeree, Fatima Moreira de Melo, Charlotte "Sjlot" Van Brabander , la canadiense Adriene "talonchick" Rowsome, Celina Lin y la reciente incorporaci�n al Equipo PokerStars, la espa�ola, Ana M�rquez, quien entre sus logros m�s importantes es el de haber acabo en d�cima posici�n en el evento principal del pasado PCA. Si en tu mesa hay una jugadora con una pica roja al lado de su nombre de juego, ya sabes, es una de las jugadoras bounty, por lo que �recibir�s 100 $ por eliminarla!
Para el torneo especial Women�s Sunday 15K garantizado, adem�s de los torneos diarios clasificatorios de 2.20 $, 5.5 $ y 11 $, junto con los torneos del fin de semana, que incluyen torneos desde 500FPP, PokerStars a�adir� desde el 10 al 16 de octubre, 1 sat�lite freeroll diario a las 14.30 ET (20.30 CET).
Toda la informaci�n del Women�s Sunday y del torneo especial lo encuentras en la web web de PokerStars.
PokerStars ofrece dos divisiones en su Liga Femenina de Poker ara que sus jugadoras puedan ganar mensualmente y anualmente premios para incrementar su bankroll.
Mientras algunas jugadoras juegan habitualmente para estar en las primeras posiciones de la clasificaci�n, otras dedican un tiempo extra para ver sus nombres por primera vez en el ranking. Esto a�ade emoci�n a la competici�n mensual.
En Septiembre volvemos a encontrarnos con muchas jugadoras habituales, pero tambi�n con recientes, que nos han dado una gran sorpresa, como la argentina KOKIRITA quien repite victoria en su divisi�n, por lo que es nuestra jugadora destacada del mes.
Divisi�n 1: Liga 1,10 $
Transcurridos 4 d�as de liga, la jugadora que dominaba la clasificaci�n era polocka6, quien hab�a conseguido 40 puntos, seguida muy de cerca por MartinaVelez de Espa�a y domblonde69, ambas con 34 puntos.
Una semana m�s tarde, la brit�nica Shalls, desplaza a la l�der a tercer lugar, tras 11 torneos jugados y 65 puntos. La segunda posici�n, con solo 4 torneos, es para yeselvil85 con 63 puntos. Paoo20, de Per� y laimee est�n en un apretado cuarto puesto con 56 puntos.
En el ecuador de la liga paoo20 consigue ser la l�der con 103 puntos, con una diferencia de 11 puntos sobre la siguiente jugadora en el ranking: KleopatraRTS. Con un par de puntos m�s abajo nos encontramos con yeselvi85, Bertie867, pointful9 y rubille.
Finalizada la cuarta semana, aun con 5 d�as por delante de torneos, paoo20 mantiene su liderato con 147 puntos, KleopatraRTS no abandona las esperanzas de superarla con 117 puntos. Las espa�olas rubille y MartinaVelez siguen luchando por subir en la clasificaci�n y les corresponde el tercer y cuarto puesto con 113 y 110 puntos respectivamente.
Tras acabar septiembre, paoo20 consigue mantener el primer puesto y llevarse $250 por ello, la clasificaci�n al completo queda del siguiente modo:
En los inicios de la liga, y con solo 4 torneos jugados, Ariella 72 se pone en primera posici�n con 30 puntos. Con solo 1 puntos menos, vitux112 se pone en segundo lugar. En la segunda semana, Ariella 72 es desplazada a segundo lugar por la peruana hcpaqp, con 69 puntos y solo 5 torneos jugados.
En el ecuador de la liga, y con 19 torneos jugados, la jugadora argentina KOKIRITA se pone en primer lugar con 115 puntos. Seguida muy de cerca con 101 puntos por MCathy68. Est�n tras ellas, mykkote, melvinaa1 y MartinaVelez, quien tambi�n juega la liga de $1.10.
A pocos d�as de finalizar septiembre, las jugadoras l�deres mantienen firmemente su posici�n sin dar paso a sorpresas. KOKIRITA sigue n�mero uno con 130 puntos y MCathy68 con 121 la secunda. Ariella 72 no quiere abandonar el podio, con 106 puntos. Al fin de la liga de septiembre, KOKIRITA, quien repite victoria, ya que en agosto se proclam� ganadora de la liga de $0,10. Tanto en agosto como en septiembre, KOKIRITA recibe $100 por su primer lugar.
Los 10 primeros lugares de la Divisi�n 2 son: 1� lugar: KOKIRITA (Argentina) - 30 torneos, 158 puntos = 100 $ 2� lugar: Demi ces (Canad�) - 27 torneos, 135 puntos = 90 $ 3� lugar: moisaky (B�lgica) - 30 torneos, 127 puntos = 80 $ 4� lugar: MCa�y68 (Mauricio) - 26 torneos, 126 puntos = 70 $ 5� lugar: Ariella 72 (Ucrania) - 30 torneos, 123 puntos = 60�$ 6� lugar: melvinaa1 (Canad�) - 30 torneos, 122 puntos = 50 $ 7� lugar: Bertie867 (Canad�) - 30 torneos, 121 puntos = 40 $ 8� lugar: butterflysh (Espa�a) - 30 torneos, 119 puntos = 30 $ 9� lugar: vali �erese (Venezuela) - 30 torneos, 117 puntos = 20 $ 10� lugar: KleopatraRTS (Polonia) - 30 torneos, 115 puntos = 15 $
Jugadora destacada: Silvia "KOKIRITA" Herbel
Solo dos meses lleva jugando la divisi�n 2 de Liga Femenina de PokerStars y en ambos ha conseguido la primera posici�n. Por lo que queremos conocerla un poco m�s. Sivia Herbel, m�s conocida como KOKIRITA en las mesas de PokerStars, es una jugadora argentina de 45 a�os, decoradora y empresaria. Conoci� el poker a trav�s del juego en vivo, en casinos y partidas caseras, donde poco a poco se convirti� en la "enemiga en la mesa", como alegremente nos comenta.
Al ver que era posible estudiar y mejorar en poker, se apunt� a intellipoker, la escuela de PokerStars, donde ha participado en varias ligas, siempre consiguiendo las m�s altas posiciones. Adem�s de jugar torneos Texas Hold�em, a Silvia le apasiona la modalidad Bagudi.
KOKIRITA nos cuenta que donde m�s se divierte es participando en ligas, donde la varianza no influye tanto para conseguir el primer lugar de las mismas. Adem�s de disfrutar de ellas, Silvia ha conseguido quedar en posiciones destacadas en los rankings de la intellipoker, entre ellos la clasificaci�n femenina.
Dada su afici�n por las ligas, se lamenta haber conocido la Liga Femenina de PokerStars hace solo dos meses, pero a pesar de ello, ya se ha puesto como objetivo jugarla en 2012 y liderarla desde sus inicios.
De momento descarta jugar el Women�s Sunday, ya que a�n quiere mejorar su nivel de juego. No nos cabe la menor duda que cuando lo haga, lo har� con el mismo buen resultado que el conseguido en su corta participaci�n en la liga.
Le damos la enhorabuena a KOKIRITA por su victoria en la liga de $0.10 en los meses de setiembre y enero. Y tambi�n la enhorabuena a paoo20 por su victoria en la liga de $1,10 de este mes!.
Toda la informaci�n de la programaci�n de torneos y premios de la PokerStars Women�s Poker League la tienes en la web de PokerStars. Visita la clasificaci�n mensual y la clasificaci�n anual con la lista completa de jugadoras participantes en las ligas de julio.
pokerstars.com After sending a clear message to the pros, can Cari Bershell keep the veterans on their toes? Find out on The Big Game. Featuring Jonathan Duhamel, Jason Mercier, Guy Laliberte, Bob Voulgaris and Eugene Katchalov.
Jarred Graham had been running over his table but he just hit a roadblock in the form of Luke Edwards. It started with Graham min-raising to 6,000 and Edwards calling on the button. Brett Chalhoub came along in the big blind to see a flop of [6c][as][9c].
Action checked to Graham who bet 13,500. Edwards made the call as Chalhoub got out of the way. On the [qh] turn, Graham bet again for 24,400 and Edwards made the call as a big pot was brewing.
The river fell the [td] and Graham released another barrel worth a hefty 36,200. Edwards shrugged and declared a call as Graham tabled [ah][9s] for two pair, but he'd been rivered as Edwards showed [ac][tc]. Graham slips to 150,000 with Edwards pushing 200,000.
Luke Edwards heading towards another ANZPT cash
8:05pm: Gorr and Vandersluis double; Kerr busto
The short stacks aren't going easily here as we have two more double ups to report.
Andrew Watson's wealth didn't last long as he ran his ace-king into the [as][ah] of Aussie Millions champion David Gorr. The board fell [tc][qd][4h][3s][8d] to give Gorr a big double up to 145,000. Watson is back down to 135,000.
Meanwhile overnight chip leader Scott Kerr is on the ropes after being crippled in unfortunate fashion against Roy Vandersluis. The chips were in preflop with Kerr's [ah][ks] appearing set for a chop when Vandersluis opened the same hand - [ac][kc]. That is, until the board ran out [4s][5c][jd][8c][3c] to give Vandersluis a flush to double to 77,000.
Kerr was crippled to just 8,000 chips which he lost moments later as our day one chip leader was eliminated.
8:00pm: A couple of doubles
Roy Vandersluis has found a much-needed double up when he open shoved for 15,700 with [as][ts] and John Maklouf made the call with [qc][qd]. Vandersluis got some help when the board ran out [jd][3c][2c][ad][jc] to spike his ace and double to 37,000. Maklouf is down to 40,000.
On a nearby table James Broom and Andrew Watson went to war preflop in a cutoff versus small blind battle. Broom went with [ah][js] but Watson held a dominant [ac][ks] which held on the [7d][ad][7h][3c][kc] board. Broom is back down to 110,000 with Watson now looking strong on 203,000.
7:55pm: Morooka coolers the Toothpick
A cooler of a hand has seen the short-stacked Te Wiremu Mcgarvey run into two monster hands as Takahiro Morooka doubled up through Toothpick Tony.
Morooka opened with a raise which Mcgarvey flat called, before Toothpick put in the three-bet. Morooka flat-called as Mcgarvey called all in for his last chips.
The flop landed [8c][ts][2h] and Toothpick bet 14,000 into the side pot. However Morooka wasn't going anywhere as he moved all in for 48,700. Toothpick called it off with [kh][kc] but Morooka held the rockets with his [as][ac]. Meanwhile things weren't looking good for Mcgarvey with his pocket nines.
The turn was the [8d] and river the [7h] to see Mcgarvey eliminated and Morooka more than doubling up to 147,000. Toothpick slips to 80,000.
7:45pm: Level up, blinds 1,500-3,000, ante 300
7:40pm: Double for Maklouf
Te Wiremu Mcgarvey opened with a raise to 5,000 before John Maklouf moved all in for a total of 31,700. Mcgarvey made the call with [as][jc] to be racing with Maklouf's [7c][7h].
The board fell [qc][qd][2h][6c][9s] to leave Maklouf's pair in front for a double up to 65,000. Mcgarvey slips to 25,000.
7:30pm: Holtzapffel sets up Boxell
Leo Boxell's mighty run in the ANZPT Canberra Main Event has come to an end. The fan favourite made the call when Lee Holtzapffel pushed all in on a flop of [6h][jh][7h]. Boxell opened [js][ts] for top pair but Holtzapffel had flopped a set with his [7s][7d].
The turn was the [as] and the river [qc] to double up Holtzapffel to around 70,000 chips. Boxell was left with just a few hundred in chips which disappeared moments later as Boxell hit the rail.
Lee Holtzapffel is pretty happy to double up through Leo Boxell
7:25pm: Bain flushes Davey
Tristan Bain has jumped up with the tournament chip leaders in a massive clash with Peter Davey. The chips were in on the turn with the board reading [jh][ah][qs][7h]. Davey pushed with [9h][6h] but Bain insta-called with [qh][4h].
The river was the [9d] and after a countdown of chips, Bain just had him covered to eliminate Davey and jump Bain up to nearly 200,000 chips.
7:15pm: Nice call by Broom
We only saw the action on the river, but obviously Leo Boxell's story wasn't quite convincing enough as James Broom made a pretty heroic call. The board read [td][7d][qh][3d][2h] and Boxell tossed out 18,000 into the middle, but Broom made the call.
Boxell opened [9s][8s] for a missed straight draw as Broom's light call with [jc][7c] was a beauty. Broom is back up to 200,000 with Boxell back down to 50,000.
7:05pm: Moussa takes out a shorty
We've lost our first player post-dinner as George Moussa has taken care of one of the short stacks of the field. Moussa made the call when his opponent moved all in for 8,700. Moussa showed [kh][tc] and was in dominant shape against [qs][ts].
The short-stacked player had already stood from his chair and put on his jacket in preparation of the bad news, which indeed arrived on the [ac][3h][jc][jd][qh] board. Moussa makes a straight to move up to 160,000.
7:00pm: Boxell pulls the stop and go
"Not a bad recovery from 12,000," chuckled Leo Boxell after raking in another pot. From the small blind, he'd called the raise from Lee Holtzapffel to 9,300 from under the gun. They saw a [jc][9h][8c] flop and Boxell immediately moved all in to put Holtzapffel to a decision for his tournament life.
Holtzapffel thought for a long time before folding as Boxell gets himself back to 80,000.
6:45pm: Play resumes
The 32 players have returned from dinner with only a hunger for more chips! Jarred Graham is out in front with Khiem Nguyen, Mario Ljubicic and James Broom the next best.
We'll be continuing this evening until we reach the money for our final fifteen players.
Last week, in celebration of the new start times of the Sunday majors, the Sunday Million found itself with a hefty $2 million prize pool. It was a one-time bonus for players, and more than 10,000 of them came out to play for portions of that money.
This week, the new start time was firmly in place, and there was no special guarantee. Well, that is if you don't consider the weekly $1 million guarantee special. (If you don't, we'd like to say, "Huh?") But so many people were charged up about the $1 million and the new place on the Sunday schedule that the crowd of players was quite substantial. When registration was complete, the following numbers were given:
Quite a large field and well beyond that guarantee. We'll say that's special.
After the initial hours passed, the money bubble came and went to ensure that everyone in that top 990 would receive a minimum of $316.89 for their efforts.
Only two Team PokerStars Pros made it into that group. Slovakian Dag Palovic left in the early stages of the payment process in 738th place, but moving forward was fellow pro and German representative Sebastian Ruthenberg. Ruthenberg held up for awhile but eventually exited in 283rd place.
Played moved on to find out two tables remaining into the tenth hour, and hand-for-hand play was in action just 15 minutes into the next hour. But only five minutes later, it was Pessagno who risked it all from the big blind with [Kd][6c], but jAKIELOL had [Ks][Qd] in the small blind, and that hand stayed best through the [3s][8s][3c][5d][As] board. Pessagno was gone in tenth place with $7,715.68.
Patorojas86 pulls ahead to start action
Level 37 kicked off the final table with blinds at 125,000/250,000 and a 25,000 ante. Players' starting chip counts were:
Seat 1: jAKIELOL (5,193,973 in chips) Seat 2: suckerfishtw (8,438,106 in chips) Seat 3: AA1284 (6,227,707 in chips) Seat 4: 321Gentleman (3,581,858 in chips) Seat 5: patorojas86 (12,809,178 in chips) Seat 6: mikexace (8,530,627 in chips) Seat 7: Thorup1 (9,170,616 in chips) Seat 8: SLUUUURP (5,098,959 in chips) Seat 9: Seraph14 (9,838,976 in chips)
Play started off relatively cautiously, though there were some players pushing the action.
And about 15 minutes into the table, it was time for the shortest stack to make a move. When mikexace opened for a raise, SLUUUURP reraised all-in with [Kc][Qs]. Mikexace called with [4d][4h], and the fours held up to the [Ac][6h][Ts][2c][9c] board. That left SLUUUURP out in ninth place with $10,677.95.
Suckerfishtw and Seraph14 got into a raising war preflop, and suckerfishtw ultimately moved all-in with [Ac][Qd]. But Seraph14 called and turned over [Kh][Kc]. The flop of [Qc][6d][Th] gave a pair of queens and hope to suckerfishtw, and the [Jc] on the turn provided even more outs. But the [4d] on the river left Seraph14's pair of kings the winner, and suckerfishtw swam off in eighth place with $16,533.60.
Mikexace makes moves
With that pot, Seraph14 climbed into the top spot on the leaderboard and began to battle for first position with mikexace. Patorojas86 was relegated to third and wasn't finding much momentum at the table. But after mikexace took a pot worth nearly 7.7 million chips from patorojas86, the latter was unable to recover.
Patorojas86 was in the big blind got involved with jAKIELOL preflop to see the [Tc][7c][Th] from the dealer. When jAKIELOL bet, patorojas86 check-raised all-in with [Js][9s], and jAKIELOL called with [As][Kh]. The [5d] turn and [Ks] river left jAKIELOL with the two pair and the pot, as patorojas86 left in a surprising seventh place with $30,311.60.
AA1284 had a rough time but managed a double through Thorup1 to stay alive. But only a few hands later, AA1284 looked down at [Kd][Kh] from the small blind and moved all-in. Original raiser mikexace called with [Ac][Qs], and the flop of [Qd][6h][Ad] gave him two pair. The [Jc] on the turn didn't do much, but the [Qh] made a full house for mikexace. AA1284 was forced out in sixth place with $44,089.60.
Some double-ups were in order going forward, as 321Gentleman did it through Thorup1, and Thorup1 then did the same through jAKIELOL. But when jAKIELOL doubled through mikexace, jAKIELOL took the chip lead as well as the chips. It happened like this:
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Then 321Gentleman doubled through mikexace, as did Thorup1. And suddenly, mikexace was the short stack of the group.
When jAKIELOL made a raise on the very next hand, mikexace reraised all-in with [Ah][8d]. JAKIELOL called with [Kc][Ts], which looked to be the losing hand through the [2s][5d][2c][7s] on the board. But the [Kd] on the river changed that and gave jAKIELOL two pair. Mikexace went from the chip lead to out in fifth place, which was worth $57,867.60.
Seraph14 doubled through Thorup1, and 321Gentleman did the same courtesy of jAKIELOL.
Final four agree to a deal
During the 11.5-hour break, the four remaining players decided to take a look at chip-chop numbers. The tournament was paused, and they quickly agreed. With $20,000 set aside to be added to the eventual winner's prize, the payouts would be as follows:
Seat 1: jAKIELOL (25,437,959 in chips) = $159,768.45 Seat 4: 321Gentleman (14,326,064 in chips) = $123,079.90 Seat 7: Thorup1 (14,423,327 in chips) = $123,401.03 Seat 9: Seraph14 (14,702,650 in chips) = $124,323.28
With good luck wishes all around, play resumed. And jAKIELOL was the clear aggressor, pushing into an even bigger lead over the other three players.
Thorup1 was anxious to make a move, the first time resulting in a split pot with jAKIELOL when both players held K-8. The second time, it was Seraph14 in the hand with [As][Td], which dominated the [Ah][7d] of Thorup1. The board of [4h][9s][9h][Kc][Tc] did not change the outcome, and Thorup1 exited in fourth place with $123,401.03.
Seraph14 began to put the moves on and took a pot worth more than 18.6 million chips from jAKIELOL to take the lead. The two then battled on the very next hand with a preflop raising war that led to jAKIELOL moving all-in with [8d][6d]. Seraph14 made the call with a solid [Kc][Ks], which turned into a full house on the [Qd][Kd][6s][Js][Jc] board. That left jAKIELOL out in third place with $159,768.45.
Seraph14 takes strong lead into heads-up
The final two prepared to duel with these starting chip counts:
Seat 4: 321Gentleman (7,286,064 in chips) Seat 9: Seraph14 (61,603,936 in chips)
There was no giving up for 321Gentleman, despite the chip deficit. The first double-up came for 321Gentleman with K-7 over Q-8, and the second was T-8 over 8-7. But Seraph14 maintained a sizeable lead.
The two then battled preflop to see the [Kd][Td][6d]. Seraph14 bet all-in, and 321Gentleman check-called all-in in the hopes of another double-up and showed [Ad][4h] for the nut flush draw. Seraph14 showed [As][Th] for the pair of tens, and with no flush on the [5c] turn or [2s] river, 321Gentleman had to leave in second place with $123,079.90.
Seraph14 of Slovakia claimed the Sunday Million victory and the $144,323.28 that went with it. Congrats!
Sunday Million Results for 06/12/11 (reflecting deal):
En el primer evento del tour, celebrado en el Venetian hace poco m�s de un mes, el Bounty Shootout de 25.000 $ fue un evento �nico. Y un rotundo �xito. Ahora est� de vuelta para la segunda parada del North American Poker Tour.
El pr�ximo mes en Mohegan Sun, el NAPT volver� a celebrar un Bounty Shootout de 25.000 $ de dos d�as de duraci�n que bien seguro atraer� a algunos de los jugadores m�s destacados de la escena internacional.
Si acabas de despertarte de una larga hibernaci�n, cosa que ser�a comprensible dada la fecha en que nos encontramos, te informamos de que el evento de 25.000 $ combina dos formatos muy interesantes, bounty y shootout. La primera ronda tendr� lugar el 12 de abril, y la organizaci�n espera llenar nueve mesas de nueve jugadores cada una donde el ganador de cada una de ellas competir� en la final del 13 de abril. En ella, el vencedor se llevar� todo el premio exceptuando 50.000 $ que ir�n a parar a las arcas de cada finalista y los 5.000 $ asociados a la "cabeza" de cada participante.
El miembro del Equipo PokerStars.net Pro Daniel Negreanu dijo, "Tuve la oportunidad de jugar en el primer High Roller Bounty Shootout en el NAPT Venetian el pasado mes de febrero y tengo que decir que es un formato muy emocionante. Estoy esperando poder jugarlo de nuevo en el NAPT Mohegan Sun."
El joven profesional Ashton Griffin gan� medio mill�n de d�lares al adjudicarse el Bounty Shootout del Venetian el mes pasado.
Para atraer a tantos jugadores como sea posible al High Roller Bounty Shootout, Mohegan Sun ha preparado un s�persat�lite especial que tendr� lugar el d�a 11 de abril. PokerStars garantiza diez entradas de 25.600 $ en el sat�lite, que contar� con 51.200 $ a�adidos al premio acumulado.
El North American Poker Tour visita por primera vez Mohegan Sun con un festival de 37 eventos que se disputar�n en 16 d�as. Los eventos m�s esperados de las series son el Evento Principal de 5.000 $ y el Bounty Shootout de 25.600 $, los res�menes de los cuales ser�n emitidos en ESPN2. El Evento Principal se celebrar� del 7 al 11 de abril. Se espera que la participaci�n ascienda a los 600 jugadores.
Encontrar�s todos los detalles de los eventos del NAPT en la p�gina oficial del tour, NAPT.com.
Hace unas semanas anunciamos el comienzo de los sat�lites para la segunda temporada de "PokerStars: Estrellas en juego", el programa de televisi�n que revolucion� el panorama del poker nacional hace poco m�s de un a�o. Hoy ya conocemos el seud�nimo del primer jugador que pisar� el plat� de Antena 3 Televisi�n.
Su nombre es alpha1983 y es vecino de Rub�, Barcelona. Para lograr la clasificaci�n alpha1983 tuvo que superar a 164 contrincantes en una final quincenal que dur� tres horas y siete minutos, y jugar� con las estrellas en el primer programa de la nueva temporada.
�Y cuando se emitir� dicho programa?
Las noticias sobre la nueva edici�n del show de poker por excelencia de nuestra televisi�n llegan con cuentagotas. Pero hoy ya podemos comunicaros que el primer episodio de "PokerStars: Estrellas en juego" llegar� a la peque�a pantalla el d�a 24 de marzo, presumiblemente a la 1:30 h de la madrugada.
Y a�n tenemos m�s. En nuestra entrada anterior a�n no conoc�amos exactamente cu�l ser�a el premio para el ganador del programa, pero dicha informaci�n ya ha sido anunciada.
PokerStars: Estrellas en juego, foto de archivo
Desconozco si han habido cambios mayores respecto al funcionamiento de la temporada anterior (y probablemente no salgamos de dudas hasta que comience la emisi�n del programa), pero si la cosa no ha cambiado, los jugadores clasificados en PokerStars que logren eliminar a todos y cada uno de sus oponentes, recibir�n un paquete para viajar, y jugar, en uno de los torneos del European Poker Tour.
�En cu�l? Bien, eso depende de la fecha de clasificaci�n.
Los que ganen su plaza antes del 29 de marzo, optar�n a un paquete para la Gran Final del EPT que se celebrar� en Monte Carlo el pr�ximo mes de abril.
Los que ganen su plaza entre el 30 de marzo y el 5 de julio, podr�n clasificarse para el EPT Barcelona de la 7� temporada.
Los que ganen su plaza entre el 6 de julio y el 4 de octubre, jugar�n por un paquete para el EPT Praga de la 7� temporada.
Entretanto, aprovecho para comentaros que la p�gina de PokerStars: Estrellas en juego ya ha sido actualizada y que en ella podr�is encontrar toda la informaci�n referente a esta nueva etapa del show.
�Ah! Por cierto, los sat�lites diarios para el segundo programa ya est�n en marcha. Los encontrar�s bajo la pesta�a "Torneos > Regionales" del lobby de PokerStars.
Antes de cerrar, �que os parece si recordamos uno de los mejores momentos de la primera temporada de Estrellas en juego? Seguro que lo est�is deseando...
Last week, in celebration of the new start times of the Sunday majors, the Sunday Million found itself with a hefty $2 million prize pool. It was a one-time bonus for players, and more than 10,000 of them came out to play for portions of that money.
This week, the new start time was firmly in place, and there was no special guarantee. Well, that is if you don't consider the weekly $1 million guarantee special. (If you don't, we'd like to say, "Huh?") But so many people were charged up about the $1 million and the new place on the Sunday schedule that the crowd of players was quite substantial. When registration was complete, the following numbers were given:
Quite a large field and well beyond that guarantee. We'll say that's special.
After the initial hours passed, the money bubble came and went to ensure that everyone in that top 990 would receive a minimum of $316.89 for their efforts.
Only two Team PokerStars Pros made it into that group. Slovakian Dag Palovic left in the early stages of the payment process in 738th place, but moving forward was fellow pro and German representative Sebastian Ruthenberg. Ruthenberg held up for awhile but eventually exited in 283rd place.
Played moved on to find out two tables remaining into the tenth hour, and hand-for-hand play was in action just 15 minutes into the next hour. But only five minutes later, it was Pessagno who risked it all from the big blind with [Kd][6c], but jAKIELOL had [Ks][Qd] in the small blind, and that hand stayed best through the [3s][8s][3c][5d][As] board. Pessagno was gone in tenth place with $7,715.68.
Patorojas86 pulls ahead to start action
Level 37 kicked off the final table with blinds at 125,000/250,000 and a 25,000 ante. Players' starting chip counts were:
Seat 1: jAKIELOL (5,193,973 in chips) Seat 2: suckerfishtw (8,438,106 in chips) Seat 3: AA1284 (6,227,707 in chips) Seat 4: 321Gentleman (3,581,858 in chips) Seat 5: patorojas86 (12,809,178 in chips) Seat 6: mikexace (8,530,627 in chips) Seat 7: Thorup1 (9,170,616 in chips) Seat 8: SLUUUURP (5,098,959 in chips) Seat 9: Seraph14 (9,838,976 in chips)
Play started off relatively cautiously, though there were some players pushing the action.
And about 15 minutes into the table, it was time for the shortest stack to make a move. When mikexace opened for a raise, SLUUUURP reraised all-in with [Kc][Qs]. Mikexace called with [4d][4h], and the fours held up to the [Ac][6h][Ts][2c][9c] board. That left SLUUUURP out in ninth place with $10,677.95.
Suckerfishtw and Seraph14 got into a raising war preflop, and suckerfishtw ultimately moved all-in with [Ac][Qd]. But Seraph14 called and turned over [Kh][Kc]. The flop of [Qc][6d][Th] gave a pair of queens and hope to suckerfishtw, and the [Jc] on the turn provided even more outs. But the [4d] on the river left Seraph14's pair of kings the winner, and suckerfishtw swam off in eighth place with $16,533.60.
Mikexace makes moves
With that pot, Seraph14 climbed into the top spot on the leaderboard and began to battle for first position with mikexace. Patorojas86 was relegated to third and wasn't finding much momentum at the table. But after mikexace took a pot worth nearly 7.7 million chips from patorojas86, the latter was unable to recover.
Patorojas86 was in the big blind got involved with jAKIELOL preflop to see the [Tc][7c][Th] from the dealer. When jAKIELOL bet, patorojas86 check-raised all-in with [Js][9s], and jAKIELOL called with [As][Kh]. The [5d] turn and [Ks] river left jAKIELOL with the two pair and the pot, as patorojas86 left in a surprising seventh place with $30,311.60.
AA1284 had a rough time but managed a double through Thorup1 to stay alive. But only a few hands later, AA1284 looked down at [Kd][Kh] from the small blind and moved all-in. Original raiser mikexace called with [Ac][Qs], and the flop of [Qd][6h][Ad] gave him two pair. The [Jc] on the turn didn't do much, but the [Qh] made a full house for mikexace. AA1284 was forced out in sixth place with $44,089.60.
Some double-ups were in order going forward, as 321Gentleman did it through Thorup1, and Thorup1 then did the same through jAKIELOL. But when jAKIELOL doubled through mikexace, jAKIELOL took the chip lead as well as the chips. It happened like this:
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Then 321Gentleman doubled through mikexace, as did Thorup1. And suddenly, mikexace was the short stack of the group.
When jAKIELOL made a raise on the very next hand, mikexace reraised all-in with [Ah][8d]. JAKIELOL called with [Kc][Ts], which looked to be the losing hand through the [2s][5d][2c][7s] on the board. But the [Kd] on the river changed that and gave jAKIELOL two pair. Mikexace went from the chip lead to out in fifth place, which was worth $57,867.60.
Seraph14 doubled through Thorup1, and 321Gentleman did the same courtesy of jAKIELOL.
Final four agree to a deal
During the 11.5-hour break, the four remaining players decided to take a look at chip-chop numbers. The tournament was paused, and they quickly agreed. With $20,000 set aside to be added to the eventual winner's prize, the payouts would be as follows:
Seat 1: jAKIELOL (25,437,959 in chips) = $159,768.45 Seat 4: 321Gentleman (14,326,064 in chips) = $123,079.90 Seat 7: Thorup1 (14,423,327 in chips) = $123,401.03 Seat 9: Seraph14 (14,702,650 in chips) = $124,323.28
With good luck wishes all around, play resumed. And jAKIELOL was the clear aggressor, pushing into an even bigger lead over the other three players.
Thorup1 was anxious to make a move, the first time resulting in a split pot with jAKIELOL when both players held K-8. The second time, it was Seraph14 in the hand with [As][Td], which dominated the [Ah][7d] of Thorup1. The board of [4h][9s][9h][Kc][Tc] did not change the outcome, and Thorup1 exited in fourth place with $123,401.03.
Seraph14 began to put the moves on and took a pot worth more than 18.6 million chips from jAKIELOL to take the lead. The two then battled on the very next hand with a preflop raising war that led to jAKIELOL moving all-in with [8d][6d]. Seraph14 made the call with a solid [Kc][Ks], which turned into a full house on the [Qd][Kd][6s][Js][Jc] board. That left jAKIELOL out in third place with $159,768.45.
Seraph14 takes strong lead into heads-up
The final two prepared to duel with these starting chip counts:
Seat 4: 321Gentleman (7,286,064 in chips) Seat 9: Seraph14 (61,603,936 in chips)
There was no giving up for 321Gentleman, despite the chip deficit. The first double-up came for 321Gentleman with K-7 over Q-8, and the second was T-8 over 8-7. But Seraph14 maintained a sizeable lead.
The two then battled preflop to see the [Kd][Td][6d]. Seraph14 bet all-in, and 321Gentleman check-called all-in in the hopes of another double-up and showed [Ad][4h] for the nut flush draw. Seraph14 showed [As][Th] for the pair of tens, and with no flush on the [5c] turn or [2s] river, 321Gentleman had to leave in second place with $123,079.90.
Seraph14 of Slovakia claimed the Sunday Million victory and the $144,323.28 that went with it. Congrats!
Sunday Million Results for 06/12/11 (reflecting deal):
10:30pm: We're in the money as Moussa bubbles to end the day
The bubble has burst on George Moussa to leave us with fifteen very happy players. Of course Moussa wasn't so thrilled especially considering his elimination hand.
Moussa opened from the cutoff to 11,000 before Tristan Bain shipped it all in from the small blind to put maximum pressure on the short stacks. Moussa made the call for his tournament life with [ad][kh] as Bain held live cards holding [8c][6s].
With the second table sweating the action and praying for a bad beat, the board delivered [5h][6h][9c][3h][7s]. Bain paired the flop and improved to a straight on the river to leave a distraught Moussa heading for the nearest exit.
That wraps up our live coverage. It's difficult to know our chip leader but Tristan Bain, Khiem Nguyen and Leigh Warne are the most likely suspects. We'll have exact counts and a full wrap of the day's activities for you shortly.
George Moussa bubbles the ANZPT Canberra Main Event as Day 2 draws to a close
10:20pm: Swan busts; We're on the bubble!
Oliver Swan has been eliminated to leave ourselves on the money bubble. In a raised pot, Swan moved all in for his last 31,100 from the big blind on a flop of [2d][5h][9h]. James Broom thought for a moment before folding but Leigh Warne snap-called with [tc][th]. Swan had plenty of outs with his [kh][qh] for flush draw and overcards, but couldn't connect on the [9c] turn or [9s].
The next player eliminated will go home empty-handed while the remaining fifteen will bag up their chips with a minimum $4,690 in their back pocket.
10:10pm: Moussa stays alive
George Moussa has collected a very timely double up when his [qc][qd] held in a preflop clash with Tristan Bain's [jc][js]. The board ran out [4c][kh][9h][3d][9d] as Moussa doubled his stack of 39,800.
Bain wasn't too happy as he tossed out the chips one at a time, to the annoyance of floor staff. Bain slips to 145,000.
10:00pm: Broom stays aggressive
David Gorr opened with a raise to 11,000 on the button before James Broom three-bet to 27,000 in the small blind. Gorr quickly called and they saw a flop of [qc][9d][4d]. Both players checked and the turn was the [7d]. Again it went check, check, to the free [9s] on the river.
Broom slid out a stack worth 20,000 and Gorr took a moment before making the call. Broom opened [7c][6h] for nines and sevens which was enough to collect the pot.
9:55pm: Level up, blinds 2,500-5,000, ante 500
9:50pm: Vandersluis vanquished
Roy Vandersluis is the next to go after he moved his short stack into the middle with pocket sixes against the ace-queen of David Gorr.
Another lady spiked on the flop to pair up Gorr and eliminate Vandersluis from the tournament. The Aussie Millions champ is the only player in the ANZ POTY top ten still alive as he is on track for his third cash of the season. He's up to 180,000 chips.
9:35pm: Slow going
It's been very slow going over the last half an hour, with no action to report. There are no real short stacks under pressure so it looks like we could be here for a while yet.
Much of the slow going has come from Toothpick Tony and his antics with his stacks sitting mixed and unorganized. This resulted in a very slow hand against Khiem Nguyen.
Toothpick opened to 15,500 before Nguyen raised to 43,000. Toothpick stood and declared himself all in, and it took three mathematicians to work out his stack size. 169,100 was the tentative amount agreed upon and after the clock was called on Nguyen he let it go. Ninteen players remain.
Toothpick Tony in the middle of the action in Canberra
9:10pm: Maklouf picked off
Last year's ANZPT Canberra runner up, John Maklouf has put in a great repeat performance but fallen just short of reaching the cash.
He was the short stack of the field with just 21,800 in chips which he committed with [as][6c]. Toothpick Tony made the call with [kd][5s] and connected on the board of [kh][9d][tc][qd][4h].
On a nearby table, Lee Holtzapffel was also eliminated to leave ourselves with 19 players remaining.
8:55pm: Play resumes
The 21 remaining players are back on the felt with six more eliminations required until we reach the money and the end of the day's play.
At the end of the last level Khiem Nguyen reclaimed his spot on top of the chip count leaderboard with the elimination of David Steele. Nguyen holds 350,000 to be well out in front.
En el primer evento del tour, celebrado en el Venetian hace poco m�s de un mes, el Bounty Shootout de 25.000 $ fue un evento �nico. Y un rotundo �xito. Ahora est� de vuelta para la segunda parada del North American Poker Tour.
El pr�ximo mes en Mohegan Sun, el NAPT volver� a celebrar un Bounty Shootout de 25.000 $ de dos d�as de duraci�n que bien seguro atraer� a algunos de los jugadores m�s destacados de la escena internacional.
Si acabas de despertarte de una larga hibernaci�n, cosa que ser�a comprensible dada la fecha en que nos encontramos, te informamos de que el evento de 25.000 $ combina dos formatos muy interesantes, bounty y shootout. La primera ronda tendr� lugar el 12 de abril, y la organizaci�n espera llenar nueve mesas de nueve jugadores cada una donde el ganador de cada una de ellas competir� en la final del 13 de abril. En ella, el vencedor se llevar� todo el premio exceptuando 50.000 $ que ir�n a parar a las arcas de cada finalista y los 5.000 $ asociados a la "cabeza" de cada participante.
El miembro del Equipo PokerStars.net Pro Daniel Negreanu dijo, "Tuve la oportunidad de jugar en el primer High Roller Bounty Shootout en el NAPT Venetian el pasado mes de febrero y tengo que decir que es un formato muy emocionante. Estoy esperando poder jugarlo de nuevo en el NAPT Mohegan Sun."
El joven profesional Ashton Griffin gan� medio mill�n de d�lares al adjudicarse el Bounty Shootout del Venetian el mes pasado.
Para atraer a tantos jugadores como sea posible al High Roller Bounty Shootout, Mohegan Sun ha preparado un s�persat�lite especial que tendr� lugar el d�a 11 de abril. PokerStars garantiza diez entradas de 25.600 $ en el sat�lite, que contar� con 51.200 $ a�adidos al premio acumulado.
El North American Poker Tour visita por primera vez Mohegan Sun con un festival de 37 eventos que se disputar�n en 16 d�as. Los eventos m�s esperados de las series son el Evento Principal de 5.000 $ y el Bounty Shootout de 25.600 $, los res�menes de los cuales ser�n emitidos en ESPN2. El Evento Principal se celebrar� del 7 al 11 de abril. Se espera que la participaci�n ascienda a los 600 jugadores.
Encontrar�s todos los detalles de los eventos del NAPT en la p�gina oficial del tour, NAPT.com.
En el programa que emite Antena 3 en el late night del mi�rcoles a la 1:30 (madrugada del Jueves) se reunir�n dos pirag�istas ol�mpicos y dos destacados representantes del baloncesto.
El pirag�ismo y el baloncesto, tienen poco en com�n, dos deportes muy diferentes, jugados sobre superficies opuestas y con caracter�sticas generales nada parecidas. Sin embargo, ma�ana en Estrellas en Juego, ambos tendr�n un punto de encuentro en torno al tapete del programa de poker de m�s �xito en televisi�n.
Al programa acudir�n dos representantes del mejor baloncesto:
Lolo Sa�nz :ha entrenado, y siempre cosechando �xitos, al Real Madrid, al Club Joventut de Badalona y a la Selecci�n de baloncesto de Espa�a, aunque la mayor parte de sus t�tulos los consigui� dirigiendo al Real Madrid. Con el equipo blanco, la lista de t�tulos es interminable, 1 mundial de clubes, 3 copas intercontinentales, 2 copas de Europa, 2 recopas, 5 ligas espa�olas, 5 ligas ACB, 4 copas del Rey... podr�amos decir que Lolo lo ha ganado todo. �Ganar� tambi�n esta partida?
Chechu Biriukov: jugador profesional para las selecciones de la URSS a la que represent� en 22 ocasiones y la de Espa�a, a la que represent� en otras 57, Biruikov tambi�n particip� en los JJOO de Barcelona 92, en los que el equipo qued� en novena posici�n.
Los dos, compartir�n mesa y partida con dos pirag�istas de �xito:
Sa�l Craviotto y Carlos P�rez Perucho han conseguido la meta de cualquier deportista, ir a unos juegos ol�mpicos y ganarlo. Su medalla de Oro en Pek�n 2008 no ha hecho sino darles impulso para las siguientes olimpiadas a las que piensa acudir, Londres 2012. Adem�s han sido campeones del mundo y de europa. Un t�ndem imbatible El esfuerzo y la moral de hierro hacen de ambos aut�nticos ganadores que tendr�n que demostrar ma�ana si se les da tan bien en la mesa de juego y por separado.
Junto a ellos participar� tambi�n y como es habitual el clasificado por internet de esta semana, que en esta ocasi�n ser� Juan Antonio G�mez Albadalejo, natural de Murcia de 24 a�os que ha eliminado a aproximadamente 500 personas en la final para llegar hasta el programa.
Os recordamos que PokerStars ha organizado torneos gratuitos para dar a todos los jugadores la oportunidad de clasificarse para asistir al programa. Los clasificatorios se celebran todos los d�as desde el 15 de febrero de 2010 hasta el mi�rcoles 3 de octubre. Los freerolls comienzan a las 21:00 h CET y los encontrar�s en la pesta�a "Torneos > Regionales" del software de PokerStars.
Durante el mes de octubre tuvimos muchas sorpresas para nuestras jugadoras. Comenzamos el pasado domingo celebrando el torneo especial Women�s Sunday con 15 mil d�lares garantizados en premios, donde participaron 463 jugadoras, lleg�ndose a recolectar m�s de 23 mil d�lares en el premio acumulado. La ganadora fue la alemana luzzzy, quien consigui� 4.375,51 $ por su primer puesto.
Adem�s, todas las jugadoras que participaron han recibido un ticket de torneo de 11 $, para que jueguen el primer torneo que las llevar� al evento femenino del PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA) 2012, el pr�ximo s�bado 22 de octubre a las 20.30 CET. Pero como si esto no fuera una gran noticia, PokerStars ha decidido que a partir de este domingo 23 de octubre, el premio garantizado del Women�s Sunday ser� de 10.000 $.
Finalmente, nos complace anunciar que a partir del s�bado 22, tendremos diariamente torneos clasificatorios exclusivos para mujeres para asistir al evento femenino en vivo en PCA 2012. Gana tu paquete valorado en 3.500 d�lares para jugar de los dos d�as del evento, del 13 al 14 de enero de 2012, en el lujoso Resort y Casino Atlantis en Bahamas. El paquete incluye los 1.100 $ de la entrada, tres noches de hotel y 1.000 $ en gastos de viaje.
Podr�s ganar tu asiento para el evento jugando final semanal de 215 $ de entrada, a la cual podr�s clasificarte diariamente por 1.10$ o bien, jugando el freeroll semanal.
En ediciones pasadas, m�s de 100 jugadoras se deron cita en el evento, incluidas las jugadoras del equipo PokerStars Fatima Moreira de Melo y Victoria Coren, quien ocup� la cuarta posici�n el a�o pasado llev�ndose cerca de 14 mil d�lares.
Vicky Coren
Los torneos clasificatorios para PokerStars Women Live Caribbean Adventure los encontrar�s en el lobby de PokerStars, haciendo clic en "Eventos" y en "PCA".
�A�n no est�s convencida? Pues quiz� deber�as dejarte seducir por este v�deo de la PokerStars Caribbean Adventure...
pokerstars.co.uk The bubble has burst on Paradise Island and the race for the final table is on. Featuring Eugene Katchalov, Chris Moneymaker and Faraz Jaka. Commentary from James Hartigan and William Reynolds. (Episode 2 of 5)
A�n recuerdo bien aquel �ltimo d�a de diciembre de 2008 cuando, casi preparando la cena de fin de a�o, recib� un correo anunci�ndome que PokerStars iba a lanzar un programa de televisi�n llamado Estrellas en Juego, cuyos sat�lites clasificatorios comenzar�an el d�a 4 de enero de 2009.
Ya hace m�s de un a�o de eso...
Cuando la primera temporada del programa acab�, en julio del a�o pasado, muchos de nosotros nos quedamos vac�os. �Qu� har�amos a partir de entonces las noches de los mi�rcoles? Aunque nos quedaba una peque�a esperanza. El anuncio dec�a que hab�a terminado la "primera temporada", y eso daba la posibilidad de que alg�n d�a hubiera una segunda.
Pues bien, esa posibilidad result� ser cierta, porque...
�Vuelve Estrellas en Juego!
As� es. Acabamos de conocer de primera mano que uno de los programas estrella de PokerStars volver� a emitirse esta temporada y, como en la anterior, t� podr�s estar en �l, compitiendo con tus estrellas favoritas para ganar una entrada para un evento del EPT con todos los gastos pagados.
No sabemos si ese premio ser� el mismo que el a�o pasado (un paquete para disputar la Gran Final de Monte Carlo), ni qu� tendr�n qu� tendr�n que hacer aquellos que asistan al plat� para conseguirlo, pero lo que s� os podemos anunciar es que los sat�lites comenzar�n el d�a 15 de febrero alas 15:30 h ET. Es decir... �en tan s�lo 3 d�as!
Como podr�s ver ya en el lobby de PokerStars (en el apartado Torneos > Regionales) los sat�lites ya est�n listados y tienes tanto clasificatorios gratuitos como de 2,20 $ de entrada. �Ah! Y se disputan todos los d�as, as� que no tienes excusa para no intentarlo.
Entretanto, y mientras esperamos el inicio de la competici�n, �qu� os parece si os dejo con uno de los cap�tulos de la pasada temporada para ir abriendo apetito? Seguro que os apetece...
Y recordad, el primer sat�lite se jugar� el d�a 15 de febrero a las 15:30 h ET. No os lo perd�is.
pokerstars.com After big bluffs and bigger calls, can Cari Bershell keep making all the right moves? Find out on The Big Game. Featuring Jonathan Duhamel, Jason Mercier, Guy Laliberte, Bob Voulgaris and Eugene Katchalov.